Ayaan Atri

Hey 👋, i'm Ayaan Atri. I'm a full-stack developer with MERN stack. I'm a high school student and I love to <CODE/>

About Me

Back in my 8th-grade days, I stumbled upon the fascinating world of coding during a visit to a friend's house. There, I witnessed the magic of transforming lines of text into a fully functional website, thanks to the wizardry of HTML and CSS. Intrigued by this digital sorcery, I delved into the realm of web development, fueled by the vast expanse of knowledge available on YouTube.

As I embarked on my coding journey, I discovered a multitude of programming languages, each offering a unique set of capabilities. JavaScript, Python, and C++ became my companions as I embraced the challenge of learning their syntax and unleashing their potential. The allure of dynamic and interactive web experiences beckoned, leading me to explore frameworks such as ReactJS and NextJS.

Eager to expand my skill set, I ventured into the world of server-side development with NodeJS and ExpressJS, laying the groundwork for creating robust and scalable applications. Databases entered the picture, with MongoDB providing a flexible canvas for storing and retrieving data.

Today, proudly donning the mantle of a JavaScript developer, my toolkit includes not only the fundamental trio of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but also extends to the sophisticated frameworks of ReactJS, NextJS, and the backend prowess of NodeJS and ExpressJS, complemented by the data-handling capabilities of MongoDB. What began as a simple curiosity in a friend's living room has evolved into a passion for crafting digital experiences that seamlessly blend logic and creativity.

